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Can a Seventeen-Year-Old Leave Home?

Information about Texas laws that govern juveniles and the age of majority.

Age of Adulthood

Generally, Texas law considers an adult to be 18 years old or older. The law may also include definitions for "child" or "juvenile" throughout.

Texas Law

Understanding the Law

Emancipation of Minors

In some cases, a minor can ask the court to be recognized as an adult. This process is called "emancipation," "emancipation of minors," or "removal of the disabilities of minority." 

Emancipated minors no longer need a parent's permission to do certain things like:

  • enter into contracts;
  • rent an apartment;
  • open a bank account;
  • enroll in school;
  • make medical decisions;
  • make other legal decisions that could previously only be made by a parent. 

To apply for emancipation, the minor must be:

  • a Texas resident; and 
  • 17 years old; or
  • 16 years old and living separately from the parents; and
  • self-supporting and managing their own affairs. 

The court will review the application, examine evidence, and hold a hearing to determine if emancipation is in the best interest of the minor.

Texas Law

Understanding the Law


If a 17-year-old moves out, are they considered a runaway? The law on this topic is complex. We cannot give you a definitive answer, but the resources below provide some general information. 

Texas Attorney General Opinions

Understanding the Law

Who can I contact?


Texas residents can access e-books with a free library account.

Note The library cannot tell you what the law means for your situation.

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