How long can I use the computers?
You will receive a maximum of two hours per day. Reservations begin at one hour in length and then if no one is waiting they will automatically renew every 15 minutes for a maximum of 2 hours.
Can I use the computers for more than 2 hours?
No. We cannot make exceptions to the 2 hour limit.
How late can I use the computers?
The library closes at 5:00 pm, but the computers will shut down at 4:30 pm.
Can I leave and come back to use the computers again in the same day?
Yes. Your two hours of computer time does not have to be used all at once. We recommend that you end your session and resume later if you need to step away for more than a few minutes.
Do the computers have DVD drives?
No, but we do have DVD drive modules that can be plugged in via USB. Please see the librarian at the front desk to check one out.
Do you have any accessibility resources?
The State Law Library is committed to ensuring that all patrons can use our resources and services to conduct legal research. We have the following equipment and software:
Do I have to use headphones at the computer?
Yes. Headphones are required when listening to audio from the computers. We encourage users to provide their own headphones as the library has a limited amount available for borrowing.
Can I print from these computers?
Yes. Printing is 25 cents per page plus sales tax.
Where do the printouts come out?
For your privacy, the documents are sent to a queue where they must be manually released by a librarian. When you are ready to receive your printout, the librarian at the reference desk can collect the fee for printing and release the document to the printer at the reference desk.
Do you have color printing?
No, we do not offer color printing.
How can I save documents off of this computer?
We recommend either emailing a document to yourself using a web-based email client or using a flash drive to save your files. We have flash drives for sale at the reference desk for $6 plus tax.
Will my files still be there the next time I log on?
No. For privacy and security reasons, our computers delete all documents after each session. Do not expect that the next time you use a computer that any files that you saved will be there. Please use one of the methods described above to transfer them off of our computers before ending your session.
Do you save my browsing history?
No. For privacy and security reasons, our computers delete internet browsing histories after each session. In addition, all documents are automatically deleted after each session.