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Protest Rights in Texas

This guide takes a look at the legal rights and restrictions when it comes to attending or organizing a protest in Texas.

General Information

Constitutional Rights: Free Speech and Freedom to Peacefully Assemble

Freedom of speech, or the right to freely express your opinion in various ways, is protected in both the Texas Constitution and the U.S. Constitution, as is the right to gather peacefully and make your grievances known.

Texas Law

Federal Law

What Counts as Free Speech?

Restrictions on Time, Manner, and Place

The Supreme Court has established that the government may not limit your constitutional right to peacefully protest. However, the government is lawfully permitted to create restrictions based on where, when, and how certain protest activities take place, provided the restrictions are not intended to suppress the content of the speech. These lawful restrictions are often referred to as "time, manner and place restrictions."

Restrictions on Place


Pipelines and Critical Infrastructure

Blocking Highways & Sidewalks

Restrictions on Manner

Disorderly Conduct & Riots

Disrupting a Lawful Meeting