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Warranty Law

Information on warranties and warranty law in Texas.

Note The library cannot tell you what the law means for your situation.

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Texas & Federal Law

In general, warranties are promises, assurances, or guarantees that a product will do what it is intended to do. Different types of consumer products will have different types of warranties, and there are limits to what a warranty covers.

Below you will find links to the actual text of the Texas and federal laws that deal with warranties and service contracts (extended warranties) in general. If you are looking for the laws relating to motor vehicle warranties (the "Lemon Law") or to manufactured housing warranties, see the boxes below.

Texas Law

Federal Law & Rules

Understanding the Law

These articles explain the basic function of warranties and break down the different kinds of warranties that a consumer may encounter.

File a Consumer Complaint

Several state and federal agencies have procedures for reporting fraud, scams, and other bad business practices.

Motor Vehicles, the Lemon Law, & Optional Warranties

In general, the Lemon Law covers issues related to new vehicles that have repeated problems. Below are some resources that can help you understand the Texas Lemon Law, including when and how it applies and how to file a complaint.

Texas Law

Understanding the Law

Who can I contact?

Manufactured Housing Warranties

Texas has special provisions related to warranties on manufactured housing. Use the resources below to find more information about these special provisions, including the text of the laws themselves.

Texas Law

Understanding the Law

Who can I contact?

Books & E-Books


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Note The library cannot tell you what the law means for your situation.

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