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British Legal Materials

A guide for finding British legal materials in the library.

Note The library cannot tell you what the law means for your situation.

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About This Guide

The library has a collection of British legal materials covering the period from 1220-1971. This guide lists a selection of significant titles, including case reporters, statutes, digests, and legal encyclopedias. 

Case Reporters

Below are a selection of common and significant British reporters in the collection, listed in chronological order.



These selected abridgements organize cases by subject matter, similar to West's topical digests.

Legal Encyclopedias

Like their American counterparts American Jurisprudence and Corpus Juris Secundum, British legal encyclopedias provide an overview of the entire body of law, citing to case law, statutes, and administrative law.

Research Guides

Online guides to help you learn more about the legal system of the United Kingdom. 

Note The library cannot tell you what the law means for your situation.

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