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Expunctions & Nondisclosure Orders

Information about clearing or sealing a criminal record in Texas.

Note The library cannot tell you what the law means for your situation.

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About This Guide

In certain cases, Texas individuals are able to have their criminal record expunged (i.e., cleared), or they may petition for their record (including juvenile records) to be sealed through a nondisclosure order.

The information on this guide can help you understand the difference between an expunction and nondisclosure, who is eligible for each process, and how the process generally works. This guide also includes links to common forms used in the expunction and nondisclosure processes. 

Texas Law

In certain cases, Texas individuals are able to have their criminal record expunged (i.e., cleared), or they may petition for their record (including juvenile records) to be sealed through a nondisclosure order.

Texas Law

Get Help Clearing Your Record

There are several legal aid organizations that may be able to help you with the process of clearing your record. You may also be able to find assistance at an upcoming legal clinic.

Understanding the Law


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Note The library cannot tell you what the law means for your situation.

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