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Information about divorce in Texas with and without children.

The Hearing

Before your divorce can be finalized, you must have a hearing. The hearing allows the judge to review each spouse's requests. The judge will then sign the divorce decree to make the divorce final.

Unless there was family violence, the judge can't finalize a divorce at the hearing until 60 days after the petition for divorce was filed. Keep that in mind when "setting," or scheduling, your hearing.

How you will set the hearing will vary from county to county. Please check with your court for exact details.

Understanding the Law

"Proving Up"

According to the Texas Young Lawyer's Pro Se Divorce Handbooka "prove-up" is a short hearing in an uncontested divorce. At the prove-up, "you appear before the judge and give evidence and testimony as to the terms of your divorce."

During the COVID-19 pandemic, many courts started requesting something called a "prove-up affidavit." They asked for this document because they were not able to hold divorce hearings in person. This affidavit takes the place of the questions that the judge might ask you during the prove-up hearing.


Note The library cannot tell you what the law means for your situation.

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