Section 2.202 of the Texas Family Code authorizes the following people to conduct a marriage ceremony:
There is no official registration for persons authorized to conduct a marriage ceremony. If they review the law and believe they can perform the marriage ceremony, then they can perform the ceremony.
Texas law does not provide many details about the actual marriage ceremony and how it may be conducted. Instead of regulating what is said or done in a ceremony, the law focuses on time periods within which certain things must be done.
Once a couple obtains a marriage license, the law says the following about the ceremony itself:
Since the COVID-19 outbreak, we have been getting many questions about this topic, from both couples and officiants, asking if they can conduct a wedding ceremony over videoconferencing software like Skype or Zoom.
Texas law does not provide many details about the actual marriage ceremony and how it may be conducted. To learn more, visit “Can a marriage ceremony be conducted over Zoom or Skype?”
Previously, Texas law allowed prisoners to marry by proxy, a process that allows an appointed person to stand in for the absent applicant at the ceremony. Section 2.203 of the Texas Family Code was amended in 2013, and now proxy marriages are only available to active-duty military members stationed in another country.
For those wishing to formally marry someone who is currently incarcerated with the Texas Department of Criminal Justice (TDCJ), a wedding ceremony will need to be conducted on TDCJ property. See the resources below for how to apply for a ceremony with the Department.