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Child Custody & Support

Information on Texas laws that govern child support and child custody.

Understanding the Basics

"Child support" is payments made by one or both parents to financially support the child's expenses. It may also involve medical or dental insurance.

Texas Law

Understanding the Law

When does child support end?

Texas law provides several circumstances where court-ordered child support shall end, including when the child turns 18 or graduates from high school. The links below discuss how and when a child support obligation ends.

Texas Law


Survivors of Family Violence

For survivors of family violence, getting child support from an abusive ex-partner can be dangerous. The Child Support Division of the Attorney General and the Texas Council on Family Violence have resources available to help.

Who can I contact?

The Child Support division of the Texas Attorney General's Office (OAG) is the state's official public child support agency. The OAG has field offices throughout Texas that can assist with establishing paternity and enforcing child support orders.

Note The library cannot tell you what the law means for your situation.

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