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Child Custody & Support

Information on Texas laws that govern child support and child custody.

About Legal Forms

Official Forms

In general, Texas has very few official legal forms. This is why you will not always find a free fill-in-the-blank form for your situation.

If there is an official form for a legal procedure, it is usually found on the court's or court clerk's website. We link to many in our guides.

Templates & Drafting Guides

Everyone's legal situation is different. It is difficult to create standard fill-in-the-blank forms that can work for everyone.

If there are no fill-in-the-blank forms, you may be able to draft your own by using a form template or drafting guide. These are usually created by legal aid and nonprofit groups or private publishers.

Templates and drafting guides often need to be customized for your specific situation. has an article that explains how you can change existing forms or write your own. If you need help, it's a good idea to ask a lawyer.

Online Forms

Establish Custody, Visitation, or Child Support

Appear in Court Remotely


Authorization Agreements, etc.

Modify Custody, Visitation, or Child Support

Enforce Visitation or Possession

Temporary Restraining Orders & Injunctions in Child Custody Emergencies


Register an Out-of-State Custody Order

Termination of Parental Rights

Note: We are often asked for forms for filing a general termination of parental rights case. We are not aware of general online forms for this procedure, but we do have drafting guides with form templates and instructions in our collection. Please see the Termination of Parental Rights guide for more info.


Learn More

For more on Texas child custody and support laws, see our Child Custody and Support guide.


Many e-books forms or drafting guides. To access, first get a free library account online.

Our librarians recommend:

Other Places to Find Forms

Court Websites

Books or E-Books from a Law Library

An Attorney

  • An attorney could create a custom form for you. If you are not able to find the legal form you are looking for, one may not exist in a pre-prepared format and you may need to seek help from a lawyer.
  • To find an attorney, see the resources on our Legal Help guide.

Note The library cannot help you fill out forms or determine what form you should use.

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